Herbs For Lymphatic Drainage

Swollen lymph glands are caused by lymphatic congestion (excess lymph fluid) in the body. Basically, inflammation causes lymphatic fluid to become stuck, causing pain, swelling, and stress on your system of organs. Sometimes, congested lymph nodes can be a symptom of infection. It can also signal that your entire body is under stress and in need of extra support via lymphatic massage, deep breathing, dry brushing or perhaps an herbal blood purifier. If you have enlarged lymph nodes, it can look like swelling that is about the size of a pea, and they can be larger at times.

In this guide, you'll find a comprehensive list of the top herbs for increased lymphatic flow, immune health and gentle blood purifiers.

What is the Function of the Lymphatic System?

The lymphatic system is our body's 'sewerage system'. It maintains fluid levels in our body tissues by removing all fluids that leak out of our blood vessels. The lymphatic system is important for the optimal functioning of our general and specific immune responses. Thus, lymphatic support plays a vital role in optimal well-being and good health.

To promote lymphatic drainage, it is important to use herbs that target your lymphatic system. Herbalists have developed an extensive list with a long history of use of natural remedies and proven herbs for the lymphatic system over the last several generations. Certain herbs are proven to be effective at helping our bodies with their elimination processes, stimulating lymphatic drainage, and clearing heat and stagnation, particularly in the pelvic region. 


Herbs for the lymphatic system are considered to be blood purifiers in folk medicine, because they possess lymph-moving powers, and they may increase lymphatic circulation, moving fluids and proteins out of areas of inflammation, so fresh lymph (rich in the oxygen and nutrients needed to rebuild tissues) may replace them.


Because of their ability to support a clear flow and aid the normal waste elimination process in tissues, many lymphatic herbs are traditionally taken as teas to support skin health. These herbs are harvested in spring, dried, and taken as a tea or preserved right away, helping support a healthy lymphatic system year-round. Many of these herbal teas are made with time-tested lymphatic herbs, which are naturally high in Coumadin, capable of supporting a good flow through this important system.

By practicing good internal hygiene on a regular basis, and using herbs to support lymphatic drainage, you will be supporting healthy lymph flow, immune function, and waste elimination. To support healthy lymph flow, a combination of exercise and other healthy habits is critical, but herbs provide strong support as well, and they can get things moving.

Cayenne Pepper

Cayenne can help to boost your lymph flow and support your lymph drainage, effectively clearing blocks in the lymphatic system. This may help to promote lymphatic drainage, assist with clearing blockages in your lymphatic system, and support elimination of wastes and toxins from your body. By helping to remove toxins, your lymphatic system is hugely important for your skin health, as an accumulation of toxins may be a primary reason for breakouts on your skin (and a variety of other health issues).


By targeting your lymphatic system, Schizandra supports your body's natural detoxification, helping remove impurities and lingering infections, as well as cleanse your lymph nodes.

Red Clover

Red clover has an especially notable effect on your lymphatic system, helping improve circulation and drainage. The plant possesses most of its benefits in the flowers, but also the leaves as well. Red clover is a popular lymphatic health herb, increasing circulation, which helps to detoxify the body and decrease inflammation.  

Astragalus Root 

Astragalus Root is extremely effective in conjunction with Echinacea, acting as a combo to strengthen the immune system and cleanse the lymphatic system. Echinacea is generally thought of as an immune-boosting herb, but it also boosts lymphatic circulation and helps to remove congestion. 


Calendula has a broad range of uses; it is used mostly to treat swollen lymph glands, to clean up bodily tissues, and for anti-inflammatory purposes.

This herb has properties which has powerful immune-boosting effects, as well as being used for anti-inflammatory purposes.  

Burdock Root 

Burdock Root is another strong purifying herb, which purifies your blood, boosts circulation, and encourages lymphatic circulation.

A staple in many Asian kitchens for thousands of years, Burdock root is also packed with healing qualities, particularly in detoxifying the lymph. 


Used for thousands of years medicinally in ancient China, astragalus is another excellent lymph detox boosting plant. Astragalus is yet another immune-supportive herb, as well as encouraging lymphatic drainage.



Because dandelions possess characteristics that promote lymph flow, this herb is important to increase natural lymphatic drainage occurring in the body. Making a regular pot of Dandelion herbal tea is a simple way to implement this powerful herb into your regular routine. 


The lymph-stimulating properties of wolfsfoot make it essential for improving the natural lymphatic drainage in the body. 

The antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties of ashwagandha helps to offer relief when lymph nodes are inflamed. These herbs help in strengthening the immune system and are effective for treating swollen lymph nodes.


Cleaver is among the best herbs for swollen lymph nodes, as well as being one of the best herbs for lymph drainage. Also known as Cleavers or Goosegrass, Cleavers has been used for centuries and is considered to be one of the best tonics to stimulate and aid in lymph system drainage. Cleavers, together with Calendula and the final herb mentioned here, Poke Root, are commonly taught as a main lymphatic trinity.

Chinese Medicinal Remedies

In Traditional Chinese Medicine, bupleurum and rehmannia are herbs known for treating lymphatic conditions, maintaining a clean lymphatic system, and removing toxins from the deepest parts of the body naturally.

Teas for the lymphatic system can be made with the herbs Calendula alone (though note that the resulting drink is extremely astringent), and Calendula is also great mixed with other herbs such as Red Clover and Burdock. Ancient China understood so much about the intricacies of the lymphatic system, including that astragalus could treat problems in lymphatic drainage. Since ancient times, they used astragalus both as an expectorant (to promote mucus and phlegm removal) and a diuretic (to wash lymph accumulation out of your kidneys).


If you have reasons to think your system is probably in need of cleaning, such as any kind of history of poor skin, gut, or kidney health, or if you just think accumulating congestion overall has had a detrimental impact on your lymphatic health, taking specific herbs and eating a clean diet might be the best thing you can do to aid your lymphatic system.

After all, environmental toxins and pollutants are difficult to avoid, and taking excellent care of your body is one of the most worthwhile investments you can make.